Ogrzewanie elektryczne FORHIT

Pierwsze inteligentne ogrzewanie elektryczne zdolne do uczenia się i utrzymywania stałej temperatury przy minimalnej mocy. Maksymalne oszczędności, komfort, niezawodność

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Smart kontrola

Kontroluj aplikację FORHIT, twórz tygodniowe harmonogramy, kontroluj zużycie
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Najwyższe bezpieczeństwo

3-stopniowa ochrona przed przegrzaniem podłogi i przeciążeniem sieci

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Dożywotnia gwarancja

Twoje zaufanie jest dla nas najważniejsze
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Forhit - heating from the future

Forhit is an intelligent electric heater that excels in economy, quick installation and is maintenance-free. Original Slovak product, lifetime warranty. FORHIT electric heating is a unique solution of its kind. Annual costs: approx. 6 € per m². Our unique electric heating control in combination with the right radiators creates the most economical heating thanks to sophisticated control mechanisms. Our electric heating technically and technologically meets the strictest requirements and standards. A team of experts has developed and improved the unique electric heating on the market over 3 years.

Parameters of heating

The intelligent self-learning algorithm records all necessary values (consumption of radiators, consumption of the whole building, floor temperature, room temperature, time required to reach a certain temperature, etc.), based on which it evaluates and gives commands to maintain a constant temperature in the room using a minimum performance. At the same time, it serves as protection against electrical network overload and protection against thermal damage to the floor. FORHIT is a heating control to which all circuits of radiators and sensors for measuring room, floor and outdoor temperature are connected.
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